This weekend we say goodbye to the lazy days of summer. Now it’s time for backpacks, carpools, moving older kids back into the dorms, and weekend football games.

As we head into fall things can get pretty busy. Before you drive your children, friends, and teammates around town, think about rotating the tires on your vehicle. Tires should generally be rotated every three to six thousand miles. Is your child learning how to drive this year? Good luck! Teach your driving teens to check the air pressure in their tires! Send them back to college with an easy-to-use Accutire Backlit Digital Tire Gauge.
Also, now is a great time to begin thinking about winter tire needs. You’ll be planning your ski trips and holiday visits to Grandma’s house before you know it. Why not plan for tire chains, snow tires, or studded snow tires now? The worst time to remember to you need tire chains is when you’re stranded on the highway during that first big storm!
Need help deciding what you need? Ask a Vulcan Tire representative!